Monday, February 28, 2011

BIG UPS: Thank you Tamaki Makaurau!

To all the artists, crew, bar staff and punters who turned up to the Red Cross Quake Relief Gig at Sale St last night in Auckland - thank you! Over $40,000 was raised with a massive group effort and while we are still on the roll of raising up our peoples there is a gig happening at Avondale College Tuesday night from 7pm but ya gotta get in quick to get your tickets as they are limited to 670 - tickets on sale from 5pm onwards, minimum $10 per ticket. WORD.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


This is us people - for more information click here. $25 a ticket all proceeds to Red Cross for the PEOPLE. See you there! 

Friday, February 18, 2011


I have heard reggae music sung in many languages hailing from the Pacific - but this is my first introduction to reggae music sung in the Tokelau language. Based in Otepoti (Dunedin) Koile bring their unique sound to the world with their first EP Te Hua.  Copies can be bought by emailing this address here. Price is $20.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

GIG: AMI Round the Bays - Wellington Sunday 20th Feb 2011

Yes yes long absence from the updates and so much to write but not enough time! We will be back soon with the consistency - right now - WORD about a gig this month in my old stomping ground... Dropping tunes for those partaking in the AMI Round the Bays on Sunday 20th February in Kilbirnie Park in Wellington.