Tuesday, September 14, 2010

SUPPORT: Little Lotus Project

Good morning People!
Just dropping word on a project from local artists here in Aotearoa (NZ).

In November 2010, Little Lotus returns to the same two Children on the Edge supported schools The Good Karma Project visited on the Thai/Burma border, TMK School and Sky Blue School.

This time, Little Lotus takes four New Zealand artists along for the ride. Tanja Jade (aka Misery), Peap Tarr, Alex Chalmers and Pat Shepherd will work alongside the children, running toy-making workshops, collaborating with the children to paint a school mural, and helping the children to create their own masquerade ball with local music and costume design workshops.

Upon returning to New Zealand, Little Lotus brings Tanja together with fellow collaborator, MC Tourettes to write and illustrate a Little Lotus picture book, documenting the journey and inspired by the children. All proceeds raised from the sale of the book, art and photography will go directly to the refugee children. Photography taken during the project will be uploaded in real time and can be ordered online.

Along the way, their blog will feature regular photo uploads, journey updates, video diaries, the highs, the lows, the stories and mishaps, and most importantly, the hopes of the forgotten children of Burma.

They need your help to make this project even more incredible:

1. Donate: "The measure of a life, after all, is not its duration, but its donation. Every little bit, no matter how small (or big) pushes the project further.
2. Follow the project: They aim to educate and entertain with our daily video diaries, so please subscribe for updates on the homepage to be kept in the loop.
3. Share: Please forward this email on to anyone you think might be interested in the project. Knowledge is power people.


Please head to their website, where you will find a big button saying "Click To Donate", it does exactly what it says and will take you to their donation page where you can donate by credit card. Bank details are pasted at the end of this message for those who aren't fans of the plastic and would prefer to do a direct transfer.

Remember, your donations go a long way out there, donating $30 to the kids will feed over 100 children a nutritious lunch to get them through the day.

Details for bank transfer (please put LOTUS in the reference)
Children on the Edge
National Bank
06 0507 0099900 01

This has been your daily hip-hop public announcement for today, thank you for your attention.

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