Sunday, August 22, 2010

GRAFFITTI: Colouring in book

Here is something from my man Subway Suds. If you are a hip-hop head with kids [or upcoming artist, interested in graff...] this is the perfect thing you need for these rainy winter days, a little bit old school with a hip-hop twist -  Graff Colouring-in Books.
64 pages jam packed with funky flexed sketches and characters from graff writers made up of an all star Australian lineup with overseas special guests!
The purpose's of this book was to: [nb. taken from press release]
1 - Provide a platform for good graffiti artists to be printed.
2 - Make the viewer more interactive with graffiti by being able to colour it in, thus subconsciously absorbing styles and progressing the movement.
3 - To allow the public to post their coloured in versions on the Akromatism blog.
4 - Attempt to positively promote the graffiti artform and make it more accessible and accepted.
We just ordered some so they will be available from our online store very very very soon!
Alternatively you can order directly from the cats themselves here. Also important to note - they will have book signings throughout Australia on the 11th of September. Peace.

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