Thursday, August 5, 2010

HEALTH: Looking after dem knees...

Hey waddup people?! This is Mike, one of the brothers that works at the Body Workshop in Rosebank Road, Avondale.  I had my first Acupuncture session (he is inserting a needle into my knee, you know I love to ball & can still dunk LOL)  the other day - what an out of it buzz.
There are many things that are dope about what these cats do. Its a physiotherapy clinic without the 'clinical' feeling. Its like visiting your mates except that with whatever you have hurt when you leave -  will start to heal.  They incorporate both Eastern and Western medical practices in the one place.  If you have an injury I reckon check these cats out - especially if you have never tried Acupuncture before, these dudes will hook you up! They also have Tai Chi, Qi Gong and Kung Fu classes too Yang Martial Arts Association NZ. 
Check them out if you can!

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