Monday, August 16, 2010

HONOLULU: Respect and shoutouts!

Big Ryzyn and Fams in Honolulu

Thanks to the sister Veronica Scanlan I have a couple of photos from the dope gig at Don Ho's for the late Brother Walter 'High Chief XL' Saole.

Apart from shopping for basketball shorts and shoes for my sons I spent time with the brothers doing what we do, chill, converse, write rhymes and eat large amounts of good tasting food - Rainbow Restaurant for life ya'll LOL.  I only managed to take photos of food and shoes, so these pics are a little more reminiscent of what went down on the night. As well as a fundraiser for the Saole Family, it was also the release party for Rakaa Iriscience's debut solo Album, Crown of Thorns.  You need to purchase this album, check the KRS One track, Human Nature, ILL!
Big Ryzyn and Rakaa - monstas on the mic!
Gotta give mad shoutouts to Big Dave, Rakaa, Big Ryzyn, DJ Taco, Tassho, Hahk, Or1ginal, Creed and all the other peeps and groups who supported the event. Respect to the Saole Family.

Also thanks to Raphael and DJ Drama at the Indigo Bar - it was a good night, good music, good people.

Mad hip-hop love to my peoples in HI State. Peace!

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